全新小學暑期課程 (All New Summer Programmes for Primary School's Students)
A. 未來領袖培訓系列 (Future Leaders Training Series)

Leader in Me 高小潛能領袖培訓課程 (Leader in Me Potential Leaders Training for Senior Primary School Students)
i. 網上體驗班 (ILD-S21-SLSBLP001, 002, 003)
以網上形式嘗試「3B」模式學習為參加者打好「3B」概念及能力的基 礎 ,再修讀進階資優小領袖課程
ii. 實體進階培訓課程 (證書課程) (ILD-S21-BLR001, 002)
以3節作為課程核心,訓練參加者「3B」核心能力,包括創意思維 (Brain Dancing)、情緒記憶學 (Brain Breathing) 及即場表達 (Brain Crashing) 。以協助小領袖裝備升中的各種新挑戰。修畢課程可獲 Be a Leader 證書乙張及升中面試攻略一本
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6
小小創業家夏令營 (證書課程) Kidspreneur Summer Camp (Certification Programme) (ILD-S21-SDKPS001)
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6

網上逃出密室團隊解難訓練 (證書課程) "Team Unlock" Online Problem Solving Training (Certification Programme) (ILD-S21-SDTU001,002)
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6
B. 溝通達人系列 (Communication Expert Series)

冠軍級人馬 (證書課程) Champion in Public Speaking (Certification Programme) (ILD-S21-SCPSV001, 002)
由演講比賽得獎人馬教你 10 式演講必殺技,並進行 VR 練習,以邁向星級里程
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6
媒體偵探夏令營 (證書課程) Media Detective Summer Camp (Certification Programme) (ILD-S21-SDML001)
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6

小學社區主播 (證書課程) News Anchor Certification Programme for Primary School Students (ILD-S21-SDML002)
Through exercises and role plays, professional TV news anchor will guide participants to explore the journey as a news anchor. Participants will have chance to conduct interviews and anchor a newscast in a fun way. They will improve their communication skills and build up confidence through different training activities.
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6
戲劇演說訓練 (證書課程) Speak with Impact through drama-based Public Speaking (Certification Programme) (ILD-S21-SCDRM001)
This course aims to nurture participants to become better presenters by improving skills in delivering content and engaging audiences through drama-based training. Participants can also explore self-confidence and awareness and develop a strong presence and gravitas.
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6

升中面試攻略 (證書課程) Interview Strategies for Secondary School (Certification Programme) (ILD-S21-SDINT001)
Through exercises and role plays, participants will be cultivated the necessary interview skills and techniques to ace interviews of top secondary schools and to develop confidence and acumen to respond to.
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6
C. STEM領袖培訓系列 (STEM Leadership Series)

無障礙科技體驗 (證書課程) STEM Experience in Barrier-free Technology (Certfication Programme) (ILD-S21-SDSTEM001)
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6
親子視障人士科技體驗 (證書課程) Parent-Child STEM Experience in Blind Technology (Certification Programme) (ILD-S21-SDSTEM002)
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6

D. 環球及可持續發展領袖系列 (Global and Sustainability Series)
世界小公民 (證書課程) Young Global Citizen (Certification Programme) (ILD-S21-SGL001, 002)
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6
SDG小達人 (有機護膚品) SDG Little Expert (Organic Skin-care Products) (ILD-S21-SDG003, 004)
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6
第一班 (ILD-S21-SDG003): 05/08/2021 (12:00 - 14:00)
第二班 (ILD-S21-SDG004): 12/08/2021 (12:00 - 14:00)

親子環球領袖訓練證書課程 Parent-Child Global Leader Online Webinar Certification Programme (ILD-S21-SDG005)
Through a curated list of webinars on Global Leadership and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), learners will be able to enhance an understanding of the world, develop a global mindset and be empowered to create social impact in their community.
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6
親子行山回收垃圾大行動 Parent-Child Sustainable Hiking (ILD-S21-SDSUS001)
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6

親子去去海廢走 (證書課程) Parent-Child Sustainable Canoeing (Certification Programme) (ILD-S21-SDSUS002)
對象 Target : 升小四至升小六 Promoting to P.4-P.6