For Individual Applicants
For Group Applicants
Schools and Teachers

Rules and Regulations
Guidelines for Video Submission
Result Announcement

Rules and Regulations
Result Announcement

Rules and Regulations
Result Announcement

Rules and Regulations
Result Announcement

Absolutely! As the themes and topics vary every year, the 2023 Contest will definitely be a new experience for you. If you would like to put yourself to the test again, the game is afoot. Sign up now!
Go to the tab 'Application & Fees' and submit the applicatoin form no later than 28 February 2023.
Payment by Schools Please prepare crossed cheque payable to "The HKFYG Institute for Leadership Development Limited". Post the cheque to: The HKFYG Leadership Institute, 302 Jockey Club Road, Fanling, N.T. On the envelope, please indicate: The HKFYG EPS Contest 2022 Group Application Fee. On the back of the cheque, please write (a) teacher's name, (b) school name and (c) contact number. Please allow 30 calendar days for cheque settlement. |
Payment by Students (part of a group application) For students who are part of a group application but will pay the application fees on their own, please note that payments can only be settled online. Payment instructions will be sent to students by email within 7 working days (weekends and public holidays excluded) upon receiving the application. Please be reminded to add SC@leadershipinstitute.hk to the Safe Senders list/address book so as not to miss any emails from us. |
Please note that payments can only be settled online.
Payment instructions will be sent to students by email within 7 working days (weekends and public holidays excluded) upon receiving the application.
Please be reminded to add SC@leadershipinstitute.hk to the Safe Senders list/address book so as not to miss any emails from us.

The organiser reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove elements or contents of the programme at any time without prior notice.
The organiser has the right of final decision and interpretation when disputes arise.