Short-term accommodation
Supported by Sino Group and its philanthropic arm, the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation Limited, the HKFYG Leadership Institute (former Fanling Magistracy) will provide short-term accommodation for this year's Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination candidates who live in subdivided units to support their academic and emotional needs under the fifth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic.
All applications must be referred by registered social workers on https://bit.ly/3CnegdU (Chinese version only). Application deadline: 12 noon, 16 March 2022 (Wednesday). Late applicants will be placed on the waiting list. Please ensure you have read and agreed to the Programme Introduction and Guideline (Chinese version only).
If you have any enquiries, please click the button below to fill in the form (Chinese version only) or call 3919 5501. Please note that this form is not the official referral form.
*Office hour: Monday-Friday, 10:00-18:00 (lunch hour: 13:00-14:00)
About the Caring to Call - Calling to Care campaign
Caring to Call - Calling to Care aims at providing services that cover emotional support, telemedicine services, short stay accommodation, donations of anti-epidemic materials and career advice to at least 100,000 people in need, including the elderly, disadvantaged families, DSE students and unemployed youth.