• 香港青年協會領袖學院領袖訓練營網上查詢表格 The HKFYG Leadership Institute Overnight Leadership Training Camp Online Enquiry Form

  • 感謝你對香港青年協會領袖學院領袖訓練營的興趣,請於此表格留下簡單資料,學院職員會於3至5個工作天內以電郵或電話回覆你的查詢。


    Thank you for your interest in the Overnight Leadership Camp organised by The HKFYG Leadership Institute. Plese fill in this form for your enquiries. The Institute will answer your enquiries through email or phone in 3 to 5 working days.

    If you have other questons, please email to Lodge@leadershipinstitute.hk.

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